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Colts Dinner

25 April 2024!

Calgary Colts Athletic Evening Fundraising Dinner!

25 April 2024!

Email for invoicing.

Options To Support Your Calgary Colts!

Table Of 10 Colts Community Partner
Alumni newsletter X X
Season tickets X2 X X
Personal tax receipt X X
Free burger & beer at Keith Evans Memorial Home Opener X X
10 Person table at dinner X X
J Keith Evans Scholarship Contribution ($250 value) X
Colts Website Sponsorship Recognition (5,000 unique views) X
Decommissioned Colts Game Day Helmet ($450 value) X
Retired Calgary Colts Framed Jersey ($400 value) X
Dinner Sponsor Signage And Verbal Recognition At Event X
$1,997 $2,997

Purchase Process

Please email to initiate table purchase invoicing.  Thank you!